Sunday, October 10, 2010


Let's start with women...oh these women! They happen to have different categories of stress(surprised?), notably:
1. Stress caused by relationships
2. Stress caused by the famous "time of the month" aka "little girl problem"
3. Stress caused by miscellaneous circumstances / events
Let me develop briefly these categories so you can fully grasp the extent of their vulnerability to stress.
Category 1:
Women are always stressing about their ‘relationships’ with other men, women, children, elderly, in-laws…in short, you name it and they are worried about it. Perhaps, it has to do with the “What are you doing…? what will others think?” question that every elder has probably asked the girl frequently while she was growing up.
Category 2:
If you are currently in a relationship with a member of the female species, you should know by now that these 3 days will always bring out sessions of complaints, tears, silence, solitude(for us) and need I mention moodiness?
However once you realise that the same elements and issues will be played over and over again, all you have to do is say "It's my mistake sweetheart" or "I didn't realise this meant so much to you" or my favorite "I promise I will never behave like that anymore".
Category 3:
This category relates to circumstances / events such as 50% sales, new collection at a lingerie boutique advertised on a supplement brochure in the Sunday paper, surprise guests at dinner time, another woman wearing the same outfit as her at a wedding and the like)
If you feel there are more categories you've been faced with, please add them up in the Comment section. My research on these so-called women was interrupted when the women I was interviewing (mother, niece, girlfriends) refused to participate further due to Stress Category Number 3.
For men on the other hand, stress can only be due to 2 things:
1. The football team the men are cheering for loses the match (Here it can only be Manchester OR Liverpool)
2. Work
Since there is no solution to Manchester OR Liverpool losing the match, men will simply pick up another beer and stare blankly at the TV set and wallow in some mind blankness until everything seems to go back to normal.
As for work, the stress is quite easy to understand. It can either be about whom he should flatter to go ahead or whom should he start digging a grave for. case the man is in his late twenties and looks married, the stress will be over why the new pretty interns don't speak to him.

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